- How are you doing today? i hope you are good there. My name is Charles Smith, i'm happy to come across your profile and i'm interested to know you because you are looking so responsible and also beauty. Can we be a friends?am waiting to hear from you. Tx
Ini isi Inbox ku hari ini....owh amang, ambo indo mangarati doooo , apo yg amang carito ??? Biaso awak bebahaso perancis, inyo ngajak cakap jawo xixixixixixi
8 Drama Korea Gong Yoo Terbaik yang Wajib Ditonton
19 hours ago
Hahaa...sekarang aku mau nginbox bahasa jerman..
ReplyDeleteHai..kumaha damang,kamana wae atuh nembe katingal..
yakz...horas bah, disini habis beras, lanjut makan gabah hihihi
Deleteannyeong haseyo, oenni nen yeppoyo.. annyeonghi gyeseyo... :p ^_^
ReplyDeleteottokeeee eolmana gwencana yeo...hihihi klo ini mah gampil biar kata amburadul bahasanya wkwkwkw
Deleteaigo.. hanguk mal jal haseyo.... :D pecinta hyunbin nih Mimi...
ReplyDeletecetoooopppp...jgn ditrusin, dah nervous aja neh, tp hyun bin nya 1000 % betul wkwkwkwkwkwk *dilemparbakiaksamababeh
Deletehalah teu ngartos eta bahasa mana hehehe
ReplyDeletesami mawon bun...indo mangarati wiiiik
Deleteasyik ada yg naksir niy..hihihi....
ReplyDeleteahhh,,,itu mah biasa, fansnya angelina jolie emg dr semua kalangan mi huahahahahahah
Deleteannyeong haseyo lagi... permisi..permisi.. ngaso yuk mih, kesini http://naeilgistory.blogspot.com/2012/01/award-berantai-seven-shadowz.html
Deleteudah beredebardebar neh
mimi...salam kenal yaaa...ini aku ada pr 12 http://puteriamirillis.blogspot.com/2012/01/resolusi-12.html#more
ReplyDeletesalam kenal balik bunda....meluncur langsung pake bemo,,,breeeeemmmm
Deletehahahaha .. Mimi ????
ReplyDeletecengar cengir weeee....artikan atuh :D