Di hari ultahmu 28 April 2015, mungkin mimi tak bersamamu. Tapi suatu hari nnt In shaa Allah kita akan bersama kembali Amiin.
Tetap solihah
Tetap juara
Tetap manis
Tetap jadi putri yg bisa Mimi banggakan.
Selamat ulang tahun ya sayang ❤💙💚💛💜
Ada puisi indah buat kaka dr teman mimi..ga mengerti sekarang suatu saat pasti kakak tau besarnya cinta mimi utk kalian.
If only she knew what future she lead to.
If only she knew what's happening surrounding.
What would she be felt
What would lead her to
Baby girl I love you
You are my precious
You are my angel
You are my morning sunshine
You are my moon brighten the night
You are my stars sparkling my dull night
Baby girl
I love you since I felt your heartbeat
Your heartbeat synchronised with mine
To feel you even since I hear your heartbeat
In every vein inside crafting your existence
Inside my womb I've sang you a love song
Inside my womb I've whisper you a wisdom to live by
Baby girl
I heard you cried
The you see the new world
You brought the joy to my life
You gave me hope to everything
Nothing I wanna do
Just to wrap you with my love
To groom you to a beautiful princess
To groom you with strength of love
To groom you to a better person
Baby girl ...
You are my fountain of love
You are my treasure
You are my life my everything
(c)Simah B.Keasberry
p/s +M I M I Arie for your daughter 💕